Farewell Sao Paulo

Today is our last of 28 days here in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The timing has been good, and we have completed the walk training that we hoped, giving us the confidence we need for the continental centurion in three weeks. This last week we completed another 30km walk at Ibirapuera Park. Our pace was essentially the same as our previous walk there (7:38 per km), but it felt a little easier. Our bodies are quickly becoming familiar with the faster walking technique. Good thing! We had a good hill walk as well, and have continued to work on our core strength too. Minds are somewhat refreshed, and we now move back into cycling mode for the next 5 days as we make our way to Rio de Janiero. Shoes and socks that we have selected for the continental centurion are seeming to suit our feet. It's a challenge to get that right, as we don't have a wardrobe like most people, with many pairs of shoes from which we can select and get ready for a race. Our wardrobe is...